Becoming part of a community = Better outcomes for all

“I heard about Streetohome 12 years ago from friends who spoke highly of their work around housing and mental health. My wife, Heather, and I had led fundraising efforts for depression research at UBC, and my interest in that and Streetohome’s work aligned. The more time you spend with Streetohome, the greater the realization becomes that while mental health and/or substance use may be a component for some, for others – it is plain old bad luck,” says Lloyd Craig, Streetohome Board Co-Vice-Chair and former CEO, Coast Capital Savings.

Finding a Recovery Journey that’s Right for You

“R”ecovery is a lifelong process. It’s about becoming a thriving citizen – having purpose and meaning in your life and the recovery capital that will help you succeed. It’s about living a life free from the challenges of addictions with improved physical and mental health, healthy relationships and a safe place to call home,” explains Brenda Plant, Executive Director, Turning … Read More