Homelessness prevention is a strong focus for Streetohome and our current efforts are directed at filling gaps in the homelessness service system with sustainable solutions.
As we forge ahead with our projects in 2019, we are pleased to announce that we have started fundraising for two new Addiction Recovery Community Housing (ARCH) projects – the Union Gospel Mission Women and Families Centre; and the redevelopment of Salvation Army’s Vancouver Harbour Light, which will include a Recovery Community Centre, the first of its kind in Canada.
As the current addiction recovery system stands, many individuals fall through the cracks in between detox and recovery, and may find themselves lost during their transitions between the stages of recovery that may include: withdrawal management, live-in/outpatient treatment, recovery housing and continuing self-care.
The Addiction Recovery Community Housing (ARCH) model addresses these gaps by providing a one-stop shop for a full continuum of care, including: Early Recovery Housing, Addiction Treatment Housing, Recovery Supportive Housing and a Recovery Community Centre. It aims to provide recovery pathways that address the housing, health and employment goals of the individual; while optimizing the use of limited and expensive health care resources; and improving access and navigation through the system.
As always, our work would not be possible without the solid collaboration of our partners – BC Housing, the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal Health – and the amazing generosity of our donors.