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A message from the Board Chair and CEO

STH-Webmaster   |   September 8, 2023
"A good project, good people and great strategy, along with lots of energy – there’s no knowing how far you’ll go,”

- Board Chair, John McLernon

2022 has been a year of change, looking back at our successes, taking stock of lessons learned and adjusting. As we move into 2023, we are adapting our strategic framework and renewing our commitment to taking a two-pronged approach to improve homelessness. In the last 15 years, we’ve learned that housing isn’t enough, and that a holistic approach must be taken to best support individuals and their unique needs.

The Streetohome Stool remains our guiding force, where innovative housing models and promising support services will address multiple aspects of the Stool. A stool with only one leg, or a program that doesn’t look at the variety of needs an individual has, cannot be very effective.

We want to thank the people on the Board, our Committees, and the team, who remain committed to finding those good projects, good people, and a great strategy to change lives and build better futures.

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