Many Indigenous people leave their home communities, where they have housing, the support of family and friends, employment, and connections to the community and travel to a major city to find substance use treatment and support services that are lacking in their home community. Facing an unfamiliar environment, a disjointed system of care, long wait lists, a lack of affordable housing, limited employment, and little to no social support, many fall out of the care system, off their recovery journey, and become at risk for homelessness.
Improved outcomes will be associated with accessing an integrated housing and care pathway in their home community. Indigenous people will have warm hand-offs between system components to ensure continuity in housing and care. Streetohome is partnering with North Wind Wellness Centre to develop a flagship Addiction Recovery Community Housing (ARCH) model in Pouce Coupe, BC. The model will be the first in Canada providing a full continuum of care housing pathway under one roof while combining Traditional Healing and Western Medicine.
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